Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just another Tuesday

Spoke at Blue Valley West's (my old high school) FCA this morning. They have some great kids :)

And my current status in my Dekker book...

I need more time to read, because it is so good!

Some highlights from "Plan B" by @pwilson so far:

"Not my dream, not my picture of the way my life should be, but your dream, God"

"God's power generally gets released when somebody trusts Him enough to obey Him."

This book has been so encouraging to me. It's an easy read. Read it if you feel like you are "off the map" of where you thought you should be in life right now. It's nice to know that God always has a "Plan B" for you and me. And, I happen to like the way the "Plan B" is turning out in my life :)

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